kyushu utara bahasa Inggris
- kyushu: kyushu
- utara: north; n; northern; union; due north; compass
- kyushu j7w: kyushu j7w shinden
- In 1955, Douglas DC-3s began flying for NH as well, by which time the airline's route network extended from northern Kyūshū to Sapporo.
Pada tahun 1955, NH mulai mengoperasikan pesawat Douglas DC-3, dan rute penerbangan diperluas dari Kyushu utara hingga Sapporo. - Together they advanced along different routes to northern Kyushu where the Kanmon Straits separate Kyushu from Japan's main island, Honshu.
Bersama-sama mereka maju di sepanjang rute yang berbeda ke Kyushu utara di mana Selat Kanmon memisahkan Kyushu dari pulau utama Jepang, Honshū. - "That approximately three (3) hostile divisions will be disposed in Southern KYUSHU and an additional three (3) in Northern KYUSHU at initiation of the OLYMPIC operation."
"Kira-kira ada 3 divisi musuh yang ditempatkan di Kyushu selatan dan sebagai tambahan ada 3 divisi di Kyushu utara pada awal Operasi Olympic." - However, in northern Kyushu, where there is fierce competition with conventional JR rapid service, the private Nishi-Nippon Railroad, and expressway buses, Shinkansen ridership increased by only 38 percent (compared to the now-discontinued conventional express Relay Tsubame), falling short of estimates.
Namun di Kyushu utara, ada persaingan ketat antara layanan cepat konvensional JR, kereta swasta Nishi-Nippon, dan bus cepat, julah peningkatan penumpang Shinkansen hanya 38 persen (dibandingkan dengan Relay Tsubame yang sudah dihentikan), sedikit di bawah perkiraan.